
Learn about using Sentry with Actix Web.

The sentry-actix crate adds a middleware for actix-web that captures errors and report them to Sentry.

To use this middleware, configure Sentry then add it to your actix web app as a middleware. Because actix is generally working with non sendable objects and is highly concurrent, this middleware creates a new hub per request. As a result, many of the Sentry integrations, such as breadcrumbs, do not work unless you bind the actix hub.

Note: Macros like #[tokio::main] and #[actix_web::main] are not supported. The Sentry client must be initialized before the async runtime is started so that all threads are correctly connected to the Hub.

In your Cargo.toml:

actix-web = "4.3.1"
sentry = "0.36.0"
sentry-actix = "0.36.0"

And your Rust code:
use std::io;

use actix_web::{get, App, Error, HttpRequest, HttpServer};

async fn failing(_req: HttpRequest) -> Result<String, Error> {
    Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "An error happens here").into())

fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
    let _guard = sentry::init((
example-org / example-project
sentry::ClientOptions { release: sentry::release_name!(), ..Default::default() }, )); std::env::set_var("RUST_BACKTRACE", "1"); actix_web::rt::System::new().block_on(async { HttpServer::new(|| { App::new() .wrap(sentry_actix::Sentry::new()) .service(failing) }) .bind("")? .run() .await })?; Ok(()) }

When using the actix integration, a new per-request Hub will be created from the main Hub, and will be set automatically as the current Hub (Hub::current()). No manual intervention in needed.

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