
Learn how to use Sentry to capture Typer exceptions.

The TyperIntegration captures exceptions raised when using Typer CLI applications.

Install Typer and the Sentry Python SDK.

pip install --upgrade "sentry-sdk" typer

To enable the TyperIntegration, add it to the integrations list of your sentry_sdk.init.

import sentry_sdk
from sentry_sdk.integrations.typer import TyperIntegration

example-org / example-project
# Add data like request headers and IP for users, if applicable; # see https://docs.sentry.io/platforms/python/data-management/data-collected/ for more info send_default_pii=True, integrations=[TyperIntegration()], )

Create a small CLI application:

import typer
import sentry_sdk
from sentry_sdk.integrations.typer import TyperIntegration

sentry_sdk.init(...)  # see above

def main():
    1 / 0

if __name__ == "__main__":

When you run this, Sentry will capture the ZeroDivisionError from the main() function and you'll be able to see it on sentry.io.

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