
Learn about logging with Python.

Adds support for Python logging.

Install sentry-sdk from PyPI:

pip install --upgrade sentry-sdk

The logging integrations is a default integration so it will be enabled automatically when you initialize the Sentry SDK.

import sentry_sdk

example-org / example-project
# Add data like request headers and IP for users, if applicable; # see https://docs.sentry.io/platforms/python/data-management/data-collected/ for more info send_default_pii=True, )

import logging

def main():
    sentry_sdk.init(...)  # same as above

    logging.debug("I am ignored")
    logging.info("I am a breadcrumb")
    logging.error("I am an event", extra=dict(bar=43))
    logging.exception("An exception happened")

  • There will be an error event with the message "I am an event".
  • "I am a breadcrumb" will be attached as a breadcrumb to that event.
  • bar will end up in the event's extra attributes.
  • "An exception happened" will send the current exception from sys.exc_info() with the stack trace and everything to the Sentry Python SDK. If there's no exception, the current stack will be attached.
  • The debug message "I am ignored" will not surface anywhere. To capture it, you need to lower level to DEBUG (See below).

To change the default behavior of the logging integration, instantiate the integration manually and pass it to Sentry's init function:

import logging
import sentry_sdk
from sentry_sdk.integrations.logging import LoggingIntegration

# The SDK will honor the level set by the logging library, which is WARNING by default.
# If we want to capture records with lower severity, we need to configure
# the logger level first.

    # ...
            level=logging.INFO,        # Capture info and above as breadcrumbs
            event_level=logging.INFO   # Send records as events

You can pass the following keyword arguments to LoggingIntegration():

  • level (default INFO): The Sentry Python SDK will record log records with a level higher than or equal to level as breadcrumbs. Inversely, the SDK completely ignores any log record with a level lower than this one. If a value of None occurs, the SDK won't send log records as breadcrumbs.

  • event_level (default ERROR): The Sentry Python SDK will report log records with a level higher than or equal to event_level as events as long as the logger itself is set to output records of those log levels (see note below). If a value of None occurs, the SDK won't send log records as events.

Sometimes a logger is extremely noisy and spams you with pointless errors. You can ignore that logger by calling ignore_logger:

from sentry_sdk.integrations.logging import ignore_logger


logger = logging.getLogger("a.spammy.logger")
logger.error("hi")  # no error sent to sentry

You can also use before-send and before-breadcrumb to ignore only certain messages. See Filtering Events for more information.

Instead of using LoggingIntegration, you can use two regular logging logging.Handler subclasses that the integration exports.

Usually, you don't need this. You can use this together with default_integrations=False if you want to opt into what the Sentry Python SDK captures. However, correctly setting up logging is difficult. Also, an opt-in approach to capture data will miss errors you may not think of on your own.

See the API documentation for more information.

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