
Sentry's Python SDK enables automatic reporting of errors and performance data in your application.

Select which Sentry features you'd like to install in addition to Error Monitoring to get the corresponding installation and configuration instructions below.

Install the Sentry SDK using pip:

pip install --upgrade sentry-sdk

Configuration should happen as early as possible in your application's lifecycle.

import sentry_sdk

example-org / example-project
# Add request headers and IP for users, # see for more info send_default_pii=True, # Set traces_sample_rate to 1.0 to capture 100% # of transactions for tracing. traces_sample_rate=1.0, # Set profiles_sample_rate to 1.0 to profile 100% # of sampled transactions. # We recommend adjusting this value in production. profiles_sample_rate=1.0, )

However, in async applications, you need to call sentry_sdk.init() inside an async function to ensure async code is instrumented properly. We recommend calling sentry_sdk.init() at the beginning of the first async function you call, as demonstrated in the example below.

import asyncio
import sentry_sdk

async def main():
        ...  # same as above

Add this intentional error to your application to test that everything is working right away.

division_by_zero = 1 / 0

To view and resolve the recorded error, log into and select your project. Clicking on the error's title will open a page where you can see detailed information and mark it as resolved.

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